Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Restore Cognos Sample Data in DB2 9.7 on Ubuntu 10.04

This documents how to set up the Cognos 8.4.1 sample database in DB2 for use with sample content (reports, analysis, queries, etc.) on Ubuntu 10.04.

System Configuration:
Lenovo Thinkpad T60 w/4Gb RAM, dual core 1.83GHz processor
Ubuntu Linux 10.04
DB2 9.7 Express C Edition
Cognos 8.4.1

DB2 9.7 Express C Edition

This is an open source "like" version of DB2 that comes without formal support, but can be downloaded and installed for free and has support in open-source style community forums.

Install DB2 9.7 Express C Edition

1 - Install pre-requisite packages
user@host:$ sudo apt-get install libaio1 ksh libstdcc++6-4.4-dev libstdcc++6-4.4-pic
[sudo] password for user:

2 - Add Canonical Partners to Synaptic Package Sources List
user@host:$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
[sudo] password for user:

3 - Uncomment the following lines, save file and close:

deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner

4 - Update Synaptic Package Sources
user@host:$ sudo apt-get update

5 - Install DB2 9.7 Express C
user@host:$ sudo apt-get install db2exc

6 - Login as the default DB2 user to verify installation
user@host:$ sudo su - db2inst1

7 - Create sample DB2 database (optional)
db2inst1@host:~$ db2sampl

   Creating database "SAMPLE"...
   Connecting to database "SAMPLE"...
   Creating tables and data in schema "DB2INST1"...
   Creating tables with XML columns and XML data in schema "DB2INST1"...

   'db2sampl' processing complete.

8 - Connect to sample DB2 database
db2inst1@host:~$ db2 connect to sample

   Database Connection Information

 Database Server       = DB2/Linux 9.7.2
 SQL authorization ID  = DB2INST1
 Local database alias  = SAMPLE


9 - Issue test queries to verify proper database creation
db2inst1@host:~$ db2 LIST TABLES


  47 record(s) selected.

db2inst1@host:~$ db2 "SELECT * FROM EMP"


  42 record(s) selected.

db2inst1@host:~$ db2stop
SQL1064N  DB2STOP processing was successful.
db2inst1@host:~$ exit

Now that we successfully installed DB2 9.7 and verified that it's working properly by testing with the DB2 sample database, we'll move on to working with the Cognos 8.4.1 sample data set.

Restore Cognos 8.4.1 Sample Database in DB2

1 - Create cognos user and group, set password
user@host:$ sudo addgroup cognos
[sudo] password for user:
Adding group 'cognos' (GID 1001) ...
user@host:$ sudo adduser -m -s /bin/bash -g cognos cognos
user@host:$ sudo passwd cognos
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

2 - Create directory for DB2 repository, create "cognos" DB2 instance
user@host:$ cd /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/instance
user@host:$ sudo mkdir db2repo
[sudo] password for user:
user@host:$ sudo chown -R cognos:cognos db2repo
user@host:$ sudo /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/instance/db2icrt -u cognos cognos
DBI1070I  Program db2icrt completed successfully.

3 - Update port # and start DB2 instance.
user@host:$ sudo su - cognos
[sudo] password for user:
cognos@host:~$ db2 update dbm cfg using svcename 1999
DB20000I  The UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.
cognos@host:~$ db2start
SQL1063N  DB2START processing was successful.

4 - Create Go Sales DB2 database for Cognos Samples and set code page
DB20000I  The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
cognos@host:~$ db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1208

5 - Open DB2 command window
cognos@host:~$ db2
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2007
Command Line Processor for DB2 Client 9.7.2

You can issue database manager commands and SQL statements from the command 
prompt. For example:
    db2 => connect to sample
    db2 => bind sample.bnd

For general help, type: ?.
For command help, type: ? command, where command can be
the first few keywords of a database manager command. For example:
 ? CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command
 ? CATALOG          for help on all of the CATALOG commands.

To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outside 
interactive mode, all commands must be prefixed with 'db2'.
To list the current command option settings, type LIST COMMAND OPTIONS.

For more detailed help, refer to the Online Reference Manual.

db2 =>

6 - Attach to cognos DB2 instance
db2 => ATTACH TO cognos

   Instance Attachment Information

 Instance server        = DB2/LINUX 9.7.2
 Authorization ID       = COGNOS
 Local instance alias   = COGNOS

db2 =>

7 - Connect to GS_DB database

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/LINUX 9.7.2
 SQL authorization ID   = COGNOS
 Local database alias   = GS_DB

db2 =>

8 - Create bufferpool for GS_DB tablespace
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
db2 =>

9 - Create gs_data tablespace using gs_buffer bufferpool
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

db2 =>

10 - Exit from DB2 command window
db2 => quit
DB20000I  The QUIT command completed successfully.
cognos@host:~$ exit

6 - Extract Cognos sample database export files for DB2

This assumes that you've already downloaded and extracted the Cognos sample data package within the Cognos main installation directory. If you haven't done this look at this post for the steps to complete first.
user@host:/opt/cognos/c8/webcontent/samples/datasources/db2$ tar -xzvf GS_DB.tar.gz

7 - Change ownership and permissions on extracted files
user@host:$ sudo chown -R cognos:cognos GS_DB
[sudo] password for user:
user@host:$ sudo chmod -R 0775 GS_DB

8 - Login as cognos user and kick off the import, then go enjoy a beer... or maybe 2!
user@host:$ sudo su - cognos
cognos@host:~$ cd /opt/cognos/c8/webcontent/samples/datasources/db2/GS_DB
cognos@host:$ db2move GS_DB import -u cognos -p cognos
*****  DB2MOVE  *****

Action:  IMPORT

Start time:  Mon May  2 22:04:42 2011

Connecting to database GS_DB ... successful!  Server : DB2 Common Server V9.7.2

Binding package automatically ... /home/cognos/sqllib/bnd/db2common.bnd ... successful!

Binding package automatically ... /home/cognos/sqllib/bnd/db2move.bnd ... successful!

  -Rows read:       1898
  -Inserted:        1898
  -Rejected:           0
  -Committed:       1898

  -Rows read:        416
  -Inserted:         416
  -Rejected:           0
  -Committed:        416


  -Rows read:         64
  -Inserted:          64
  -Rejected:           0
  -Committed:         64

Disconnecting from database ... successful!

End time:  Mon May  2 23:18:56 2011

As you can see, it takes a while. The import took 1 hr and 14 min on my machine (which is a Lenovo Thinkpad T60P).

Create Views, Constraints, and Stored Procedures in GS_DB

1 - Edit SQL script that adds views, constraints, and stored procedures to GS_DB
user@host:$ sudo gedit /opt/cognos/c8/webcontent/samples/datasources/db2/gs_db_modify.sql
[sudo] password for user:

Change the 1st line in the file to use the correct connection information for your database. In my case this was:
connect to GS_DB user cognos using cognos

Comment out the 1st SQL statement, because it is redundant (the cognos user already has all of this authority in the GS_DB database). If you forget or don't want to comment out this line, the resulting error is benign, the SQL script will still complete successfully.
@ */

Then change all the following GRANT statements that reference the GOSALES user to your database user name (in my case cognos).
and so on...

Save and exit. Make certain to save the file with Unix/Linux line breaks, as it comes formatted as a Windows file and will not execute.

2 - Run SQL script to add views, constraints, and stored procedures

The included .bat file is provided to execute the SQL script on a Windows machine, however it is quite easy to run the same command on Linux.

First change ownership and permissions in the /opt/cognos/c8/webcontent/samples/datasources/db2 directory so that the cognos user can read/write.
user@host:/opt/cognos/c8/webcontent/samples/datasources$ sudo chown -R cognos:cognos db2
[sudo] password for user:
user@host:/opt/cognos/c8/webcontent/samples/datasources$ sudo chmod -R 0775 db2

Now execute the SQL script using the DB2 command:
cognos@host:/opt/cognos/c8/webcontent/samples/datasources/db2$ db2 -td@ -f gs_db_modify.sql -z gs_db_modify.log

   Database Connection Information

 Database server        = DB2/LINUX 9.7.2
 SQL authorization ID   = COGNOS
 Local database alias   = GS_DB

DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.


You will see the following message in the command window and log file.

DB21034E  The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a 
valid Command Line Processor command.  During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0458N  In a reference to routine "GOSALES.ASSIGNSTAFF" by signature, a 
matching routine could not be found.  SQLSTATE=42883

It does not indicate an error, it is a result of the following SQL statement near the bottom of the SQL script, which outputs this warning if the stored procedure does not exist:

Create Data Source Connections to Samples Databases

This took me a while to get right. Creating the data source connections is fairly straight forward, however when testing the data source connections within Cognos Administration I kept getting the following error:

QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed. 
QE-DEF-0321 The userID or password is either missing or invalid. 
RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: 

UDA-SQL-0031 Unable to access the "testDataSourceConnection" database. 
UDA-SQL-0129 Invalid login information was detected by the underlying database. 
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1013N The database alias name or database name "GS_DB" could not be found. SQLSTATE=42705

Unfortunately, the error codes and message did not immediately point to any resolution, so I tried a lot of different things. What it came down to was a missing environment variable that the Cognos services were looking for... DB2INSTANCE, which is supposed to be set and pointed at the DB2 instance that Cognos will use.

Since I start the Cognos Configuration Manager and services using my login, I put the following into my ~/.profile:
# Set JAVA_HOME for Cognos 8
export JAVA_HOME

# Set current DB2 instance for DB2
# Required for Cognos 8 to connect to local DB2 database

# Add Cognos 8 install location to path
export PATH

You can also just set these within the active command shell, but you'll then have to reset them every time you start Cognos. Once you have these set, shutdown the Cognos services and restart the Cognos Configuration Manager from the command line...

Then start the Cognos services and open up Cognos in your web browser - http://localhost/cognos8

1 - Click on 'Administer IBM Cognos Content'

2 - Click on 'Configuration'

3 - Click on the New Data Source icon

4 - Enter 'great_outdoors_sales' as the data source name and click Next

5 - Select DB2 as the type and click Next

6 - Enter 'GS_DB' as the database name.

Leave everything else blank/default, except under Signon. Select Signons, Password, and 'Create a signon that the Everyone group can use.' Then enter the database user ID and password... in my case this is cognos / cognos. Then click the 'Test connection' link at the bottom.

7 - Click the 'Test' button on the next page.

8 - If you're test is successful, you'll see something like the following.

You can now start running reports against the sample data within Report Studio, Query Studio, etc.!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Install Cognos 8.4.1 on Ubuntu 10.04

These are instructions for installing IBM Cognos 8.4.1 on Ubuntu 10.04.  I found the installation process on Ubuntu 10.04 to be quite painful due to lack of specific documentation (Ubuntu is not a supported IBM Cognos 8.x platform).  So, I documented the process I used here... mainly in case I have to repeat it on another machine... :-)

Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Edition (not server)
4 Gb RAM
Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz
Install consumed about 1Gb of disk space

Cognos 8.4.1 installation files already downloaded

These instructions assume you have downloaded the Cognos 8.4.1 installation files.  If using the Cognos installation CDs, look for the issetup file within the appropriate Operating System directory and run using the instructions below.  More info here.

STEP 1 - Run Cognos 8 BI Server Install

Run all of the following commands EXCEPT the last one...

user@host:$ cd ~/Downloads/DownloadDirector
user@host:$ mkdir cognos_8.4.1_bi_server
user@host:$ cd cognos_8.4.1_bi_server
user@host:$ tar -xzvf ../cognos_8.4.1_bi_server.tar.gz
user@host:$ sudo ./issetup

I initially encountered the following error:

Error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

This is because the Cognos 8.4.1 installer requires the libXm.so.3 library, which is an older version than Ubuntu 10.04 installs.  To resolve, simply install it from the repository.  I also read a few articles about creating symbolic links to later versions of libXm.so, but this was easy and I figured would create the least amount of issues with the Cognos installers.

user@host:$ sudo apt-get install libmotif3

Now, execute:

user@host:$ sudo ./issetup

Make sure you run issetup using the sudo command or you will get permissions errors if you're installing somewhere other than your home directory.

During the install process select Cognos BI server components, then select install Cognos Content Store unless you have one of the supported databases already set up.  I installed everything to:


STEP 2 - Install Cognos 8 BI Samples (optional)

Run the following commands:

user@host:$ cd ~/Downloads/DownloadDirector
user@host:$ mkdir cognos_8_bi_samples
user@host:$ cd cognos_8_bi_samples
user@host:$ tar -xzvf ../cognos_8_bi_samples.tar.gz
user@host:$ sudo ./issetup

Accept the defaults, acknowledge the warning to install the Cognos 8 BI Samples into the same directory where you installed the Cognos BI server components, in my case this was:


If you want to use the Cognos sample data, after completing the Cognos installation steps you'll need to:
  1. Restore the sample databases
  2. Set up data source connections within Cognos for the sample databases
  3. Import the sample content (reports, queries, etc.)
NOTE ON SAMPLE DATA: Although you can import the sample content into the Apache Derby database that comes with Cognos 8.4.1, the sample database backup files are only provided in Oracle and DB2 format. If you are not running either Oracle or DB2, you can choose to only import the sample content into the Derby database (assuming you selected the option to install the Cognos Content Store during the install). This will allow you to view reports, queries, etc. within Report Studio, Query Studio, Analysis Studio, etc. however you will not actually be able to run any of the reports against a database and view the results.

If you want to use the Cognos 8 sample data, see my instructions on setting up the Cognos 8 sample data in DB2.

STEP 3 - Set Java environment, configure Cognos 8, and start Cognos services

First copy the Cognos java encryption file to your JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory.

In my case, JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

user@host:$ sudo cp /opt/cognos/c8/bin/jre/1.5.0/lib/ext/bcprov-jdk14-134.jar /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/ext/bcprov-jdk14-134.jar

Don't worry about the fact that Cognos 8 shipped with java 5, it will run with java 6.

Next is where I ran into a couple of tough issues... I did a ton of things to try and get the Cognos Configuration Manager to run.  You start the Cognos Configuration Manager with the following command:

user@host:$ cd /opt/cognos/c8/bin
user@host:$ ./cogconfig.sh

However, I could not get it to run.  First I ran into a permissions issue, then a JAVA_HOME environment variable issue, and an X-windows display issue.  Here's what I finally did to resolve:

user@host:$ sudo chown -R user:cognos /opt/cognos
user@host:$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre ./cogconfig.sh

Where user = your user name

I had created a cognos user and group on my Ubuntu system and had been trying to run the Cognos Configuration Manager under that user id, however no matter what I tried (editing ~/.profile or /etc/bash.bashrc) the utility came back with a JAVA_HOME undefined error and exited.  Even when I passed the correct java path in the command statement.  However, I found that if I changed ownership of the entire /opt/cognos directory structure to my user name, and also passed the correct java path in the command statement... voila, almost...

Then, I got another error about being unable to find libstdc++5... this is because Ubuntu 10.04 has a newer version, and libstdc++5 is no longer in the software repository, so

user@host:$ sudo apt-get install libstdc++5

will not work.

error: 27/04/2011,13:49:21,Err,java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /opt/cognos/c8/bin/libJCAM_Crypto_JNI.so: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, com.cognos.crconfig.CRConfigFrame.initDataManager(CRConfigFrame.java:549)

To resolve the above error, go here, and download the libstdc++5 package, and install.  Then re-run:

user@host:$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre ./cogconfig.sh

The Cognos Configuration Manager should now run without issue.  Follow the IBM guide for configuration of Cognos 8 located here.  The link is to the page called Start the IBM Cognos 8 Services under Installing and Configuring IBM Cognos 8 Components on One Computer.  If you're setting up a test environment on a single server with the Cognos Content Store as your database, then you can skip the security, mail server account, and data source connections.  The tests all completed successfully, and I was able to start the Cognos services without issue.

STEP 4 - Configure Apache

A correct, or perhaps I should say a "functional," Apache configuration for Cognos 8.4.1 on Ubuntu 10.04 eluded me for quite some time.  First, I set up virtual sites and the appropriate config files, but still could not get Cognos to work.  I dealt with permissions issues causing 403 errors, 404 errors, and cgi binaries downloading within the browser instead of being executed by the server.  The last issue with cgi binaries was the issue that held me up for quite some time.

Give Apache Access to c8 Directory & Change Permissions

user@host:$ sudo chmod -R 0775 /opt/cognos/c8
user@host:$ sudo chown -R user:www-data /opt/cognos/c8

Assigning ownership to the www-data group ensures that the Apache web server has access.

Set up Virtual Site for Cognos8

First create a cognos8 file in /etc/apache2/sites-available from a copy of the default file.  Then execute the a2ensite command to tell Apache to enable the new virtual site.

user@host:$ sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/cognos8
user@host:$ sudo a2ensite cognos8

Edit the Cognos8 Virtual Site Configuration

Edit the cognos8 file located in /etc/apache2/site-available. Change your entry as appropriate based on your directory locations.

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost 

 DocumentRoot /var/www/cognos8

 <Directory />
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All

 ScriptAlias cognos8/cgi-bin/ /var/www/cognos8/cgi-bin/
 <Directory "/var/www/cognos8/cgi-bin">
  AllowOverride FileInfo
  Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
  SetHandler cgi-script
  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from All

 Alias cognos8 /var/www/cognos8
 <Directory /var/www/cognos8/>
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride FileInfo
  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from All

Edit the Default Virtual Site Configuration

Edit the default file located in /etc/apache2/site-available. Change your entry as appropriate based on your directory locations. SPECIAL NOTE: the key change in this file was adding the ScriptAlias for cognos8/cgi-bin. Until I did that, Apache just downloaded the cgi binaries to my web browser instead of executing them.

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

 DocumentRoot /var/www
 <Directory />
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All
 <Directory /var/www/>
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
  AllowOverride All
  Order allow,deny
  allow from all

 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
 <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
  AllowOverride None
  Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

 ScriptAlias cognos8/cgi-bin/ /var/www/cognos8/cgi-bin/
 <Directory "/var/www/cognos8/cgi-bin">
  AllowOverride FileInfo
  Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
  SetHandler cgi-script
  Order Allow,Deny
  Allow from All

Restart Apache

user@host:$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Test Cognos

Go to http://localhost/cognos8 in your browser, if you've done everything correctly, you should see the Welcome to IBM Cognos 8 screen in Cognos Connections: